Friday, February 15, 2008

Advertising Snarkfest

Me to Freddy: "I love Diamond Shreddies. It's hilarious. It's brilliant."
Freddy to Me: "It's Stupid."
Me to Freddy: "Your face is stupid. Put it on your blog"
Freddy to Me: "No, it's stupid."
Me to Freddy: (knowing he loves the whopper freakout and wanting to be a contrarian)
"The Whopper freakout is stupid."
Freddy to Me: "Whopper freakout is brilliant. I'll make you a bet. If we have reviews this week, I'll post diamond shreddies on my blog. If we don't, you post whopper freakout."
Me to Freddy: "Agreed."

And yes, we had our reviews. And now I too will post a Diamond Shreddies item on my blog. And I will also post Whopper Freakout. Because I am a good sport.

Diamond Shreddies:

Whopper Freakout:

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