Tuesday, May 08, 2007

One of These Days...

You really want to know what captures the popular imagination? Baby fekkin animals.
This video slays me for two reasons:
1. Baby bun bun.
2. 207,400 - odd hits...That's enough to constitute the entire population of a small city.

I was laughing with Freddy about one day filming a series of these and slapping a brand on the backside of it. Then I remembered Telus.
My dreams are dead.


Anonymous said...

I've never actually seen bunnies use their legs to move. I mean sure, I've seen them hop. Naturally.

On a fire related note, Florida (where I am located) is pretty much engulfed in flames. I didn't sign up for hell but now this is where I live.

I've actually thought, in depth, about what I would save in the event of a fire. I've sorted it all out: fling all expensive clothes and shoes out bedroom window, wrap my flatscreen monitor in a wet towel, cry, wake my mom up so she can put the fire out.

All in that order.

Leicentious said...

Maybe they have to unlearn the walking bunny bit as a rite of passage to becoming a slightly larger (but still dwarf) bunny.

I'm sorry your State was burning. That's a bitter pill to swallow. But I'm glad that you've formulated a plan of attack - even if it involves using your mom as your line of defense ;)
