Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Walken be Rockin That Chicken

I have a dream.
And a list.
The list pertains to something I mentally drafted years ago after watching Harvey Keitel disrobe for the millionth time in a movie (stop it Harvey, I mean it this time).

Without much ado, my favourite top 5 creepy men of Hollywood (in no particular order):

Christopher Walken
Jeremy Irons
Geoffrey Rush
Harvey Keitel
Willem Defoe

In my defense, this is not a judgement on acting abilities. On the contrary, their creepyness makes them more alluring. They have character stamped across every crevice of their faces while also sporting
that undefinable quality that makes them unsavory as dark alley run ins.

The more interesting question, I think, is how these guys do their average Joe bit. Imagine, if you will - Rush deciding between bacon or sausage with his Sunday eggs. Irons reading Where the Wild Things Are to his kids. Defoe going to the mall to
try on bathing suits.

Possibly, even possibly...Christopher Walken preparing a whole roast chicken.
It's hypnotic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lest we not forget Steve Buscemi