Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Still Hallowe'en Week? Check.

Ok, so given that I haven't written or done much of anything at all in the past..oh...4 months, I figure going hog wild on ridiculous costume ideas this week is the most easy, accessible and entertaining way to win back readership.

Today's selection: Costume wearers I'd never trust around young children.

We have everything from the drooling cycloptic patio umbrella...

To Roald Dahl throwback with a transsexual haircut Pederast

To the I'm-probably-56-years-old-and-male-under-here situation

The "Ok now we're really calling the cops. This is the third time we've seen him in the playground this week" (he's new!)

The rotting husk of a wax museum obsessed serial rapist.
Really, really, really just no to this guy as a babysitter.

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