Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sensical Typos

Funny, I think we run into these more often than we realize.
I was walking down the main street near my house last night and saw this sign.
And I scoffed.
And then I unscoffed - because I realize that the Persian proprietor is slyly making searing social commentary while still managing to sell stuff. Where else can you so blatantly tell people that what they're buying is totally unnecessary, but still manage to sell it innocently enough.

Other takes on the theme:
Coluch asked what an 'excessory' would look like - a monitor cozy for cold winter nights? A pair of ears for y0ur mouse?

Dre pointed out that it should have explanation points at the end to really drive the point home!!!

I'm going to see if I can find more examples around the city - aside from the ad at the tattoo place downstairs looking for a "really good drawer".

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