Friday, June 08, 2007

Well. Uhm. Yikes.

By now, most people have feasted their eyeballs on this new logo for London's Olympics in 2012. They yanked the animated version from the website, apparently because it caused seizures.

It doesn't really matter if you like it - the fact that it's sparked public debate is far more valuable than the question of taste. My friend Jeff and I were talking about it today - and he raised an interesting point: the design isn't the issue - when's the last time the public got firey about graphic friggin' design?

We're so often inundated by logos, that it's generally only industry professionals who quibble over how effective or 'good' they are. This logo has become a hot topic for the general public. People have a lot to say about pop 80s throwback motifs, apparently.

Learn mo' by perusing this NY Times Article

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